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上海音樂學院結業  新世紀文化藝術團創辦人/團長   臺北市原住民婦女會理事長   臺北市原住民扶輪社/高峰扶輪社  文化講座講師/社區大學講師


  20年來歷經4000多場的演出,從各大節慶活動、各縣市文化中心進而更深入社區、學校,利珍.妮卡兒 凡事「堅持」、凡事「相信」,終於獲得各單位青睞擔任親善大使,推廣國際文化交流,足跡除了踏遍日本、韓國、新加坡、大陸、馬來西亞、香港、泰國、印尼、內蒙古等東南亞地區,更延伸到法國、紐西蘭、荷蘭、比利時、波蘭、義大利、芬蘭、馬紹爾群島、非洲甘比亞等國家,同時也讓「新世紀文化藝術團」成為行政院原住民族委員會的優良原住民藝術文化藝術團體。一點一滴的耕耘,最開心的是越來越多的原住民青年重視自己的文化也受到社會各階層人士、民間企業、政府及國外的重視與肯定。

Art DirectorReganNecal
New Century Culture Arts Group was founded on February 4, 1998 by Regen Necal, who also serves as Artistic Director. Regan Necal grew up as part of the Amis Tribe in the urban township of Chenggong, which is located in Taitung County. She inherited the aboriginal gifts of singing and dancing and spent her childhood crafting her talents as well as undergoing rigorous training in western dance. This combination of East and West rounded out her dance experience, opening up her artistic vision. She gathered together those with a deep love and connection to Taiwan’s Aboriginal culture, especially Aboriginal youths, to facilitate her goal: to participate in and promote traditional Aboriginal dance and culture. In order to blend Aboriginal tradition with her modern visions, Ms. Necal personally visited and interviewed the elders of each of Taiwan’s fourteen Aboriginal tribes. Through her fieldwork she learned the significance of each tribe’s costumes and dances which gradually led to the creation of the troupe’s impressive performance roster: Amis, Puyuma, Paiwan, Bunun, Tsou, Atayal, Saisiyat, Tao, Rukai, Taroko, Thao, Seediq, Saqilaya and Kavalan. The troupe’s recently created works include dances from the Amis, Seediq, Rukai and Thao tribes.

   After 5000 performances over the course of eighteen years at major cultural festivals, county and city cultural centers, community and school events, Regen Necal finally won the approval of the masses with her dedication and belief in the troupe. Now they serve as Goodwill Ambassadors, traveling abroad to promote international culture exchange. Their travels have taken them to Asia (Japan, Korea, Singapore, China, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Thailand), Europe (France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Poland), Oceania (New Zealand, the Marshall Islands), Central America (Belize), West Africa (Gambia), and other countries. Simultaneously the troupe has become the Executive Yuan’s Council of Indigenous Peoples official Aboriginal Fine Arts & Culture Group. It is a bit of work, but the best part is seeing the growing number of Aboriginal youths focusing on their own indigenous culture and being supported by all sectors of the community; private businesses, government and the international community at large.

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