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In recent decades, Taiwan’s traditional indigenous culture has been increasingly threatened by external influences. Preserving indigenous culture and passing on traditions are the objectives that this troupe is working to reach. Combining the passion of the community and culture-oriented youth and the wisdom of village elders, as well as the resources of society, the Tamaluan Culture and Art Troupe formally registered with the Nantou County government on October 9, 2001.

Even before this troupe was founded, it was already winning audiences over at home and abroad. For example, in the spring of 1999, it was invited to participate in a large concert in Quanzhou City of Fujian Province in China, and in the summer of 2000, performed at a world music concert to celebrate the Sydney Olympics. In 2002, the troupe returned to China performing in a number of cultural exchange concerts in Beijing and Mongolia. In 2003, it was invited to perform in Vancouver Canada.


The purposes of the Tamaluan Culture and Art Troupe are to pass on Bunun tribal traditions and arts, allow younger generations to cherish and identify with their culture and to preserve the precious culture left behind by their ancestors. The melodies and songs of the ancestors condense the Bunun knowledge, and have captured the attention and imagination of the world.


This troupe has a history of more than ten years. With the efforts of all of its members, it has performed all over Taiwan and the world to very positive reviews, and plans to continue its efforts to raise awareness of Taiwan’s indigenous culture.


The Bunun tribe has traditionally inhabited mountainous areas and participated in a close, interactive relationship with nature and the supernatural. The tribe developed a set of life rituals, agricultural ceremonies and hunting habits, etc., and used music as a medium to communicate with the realms of nature and the supernatural, including diverse polyphonic choruses and prolonged rhythms.

    布農族人不管男女,在身上背負農作物或打獵凱旋回部落時,即以這種傳訊歌來傳達給山下的族人,希望他的家人前去迎接他們,郡社群人稱這首歌叫(MASI  LUMAH)。MASI是「向著」之意,LUMAH是「家」,也就是一首背負重物利用高亢的呼喊聲來告訴家人的歌。巒、卡、丹、卓社群人稱之為(Manvavai)。雖然這只是一種呼喊的傳訊信號,但形成的曲調就是布農慣用的泛音DO、MI、SOL、DO音階,儼如軍中無按鍵的號角吹出FANFARE一般。更由於集體行動,先後的呼喊行成了卡農行式的父音現象。時至今日,MASI  LUMAH仍常在布農聚落間被廣泛地使用在族人身上扛著木柴或背著農作物時,一面走向歸途,一面哼著這首「負重傳訊歌」。

        In Bunun tribal tradition, if someone was carrying a heavy load of food harvested from the fields or game from a successful hunt back to the village, they would call out in lyrical, sing-song fashion to inform their family in the hope that they would come and meet them and help carry the load. This song is call Masi Lumah or Manvavai, depending on which Bunun village you are in, and means “toward home”. Although this is a set of calls used to communicate, the Bunun instinctively use the “do, mi, sol, do” notes. Even today, this song is still extensively used in Bunun villages, whenever someone is carrying a load of timber or food from the fields back to the village.

祈禱小米豐收歌(Pasibutbut):用於傳統布農族曆的一月撒種祭(MINPINANG)到三月間把耙祭(MANATU)其間所演唱的祭儀歌曲,以虔敬的心歌頌大地。一到了播種祭之前祭司決定祭日,此時祭司會慎選族中這一年內最聖潔的男士六至十名,住於祭屋之內。次日祭司帶領這些成年男子在屋外圍成圓圈,雙手交叉置於背後,圈內放置種栗一串。此時在祭司的領唱之下,先在屋外演唱這首「祈禱小米豐收歌」,然後慢慢移入屋內,象徵今年播種的小米能豐收,並堆滿穀倉。由於這首祭儀歌曲的演唱形式之特殊性及其與整個祭儀結合的複雜性,這首「祈禱小米豐收歌」早已斐聲國際,中外皆知。布農族人自稱Pa si but but為「八部音合唱曲」。唱這部曲子時,必須要八名男子以上分成「MAHOSGNAS」、「MANDA」、「MABONBON」、「LAGISGNIS」等四個聲部,再依一套嚴謹的規則慢慢依次進入合唱。由於每一位歌者的音質迥異,因此八部合音的錯覺現象於焉產生。無論如何Pasibutbut已是一首中外皆知,並且最具特色的布農族傳統歌謠。

Pasibutbut is a ceremonial song sung between January on the Bunun traditional calendar and the planting ceremony (minpinang) and March on the Bunun traditional calendar and the tilling of fields ceremony (manatu). It is a song of worship to the earth. Just before the planting ceremony, the village shaman will carefully select six to ten worthy men, who will stay in a special ceremonial hut. At the appropriate time, the shaman will lead these men to form a circle outside the hut. They will cross their arms across each other’s backs and sing Pasibutbut, slowly moving back into the hut, symbolizing that the millet that has been planted will result in a plentiful harvest filling the storage huts. This song is already well known in musical theory circles in Taiwan and abroad. The Bunun tribe calls it an eight-part chorus.To be sung properly there must be at least eight men performing four parts, referred to as Mahosgnas, Manda, Mabonbon and Lagisgnis. There is a very strict set of rules for when each part is sung, and each singer must have a different tone quality, which makes it sound like there are eight parts. Pasibutbut is the most representative of the Bunun traditional songs.

(一) 獵前祭槍祭歌(Pislahi):布農族人相信只有唱過Pislahi才能打獵有所收穫。
(二) 婦女工作生活歌:相互依靠、勤儉持家及樂天知命乃傳統布農族婦女典型寫照。
(三) 負重傳訊歌(Manvavai):布農族人不管男女,再身上背負農作物或打獵凱旋回部落時,即以這種傳訊歌來傳達給山下的族人。
(四) 飲酒之歌(Tusaus): 歡聚、喜宴、小酌之後       飲酒就變成了布農族人之間最好的溝通媒介。
(五) 報戰功(Malastapang):教育後輩子弟,要精於狩獵,勇敢善戰,光宗耀族。
(六 祈禱小米豐收歌(Pasibutbut):八部合音是用於傳統布農族曆的一月撒種祭(Minpinang)到三月間耙祭(Manatu)期間所演唱的祭儀歌謠,以虔敬的心歌頌大地。(七) 大地的音韻----布農族傳統樂器,以木杵敲擊石板或大地表達內心的音韻。
1、ma paq paq:驅鳥器。      2、ma tung tung:織布機   3、ma taq taq:盛水器。      4、ma laq laq:獸鼓骸  5、pis qong qong:口黃琴。   6、pis latuk:弓琴
7、ma bazu:搗米器。         8、ma tul tul:木杵  9、Banhil latuk:五弦琴   藝術表現:虛境美學


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