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人之島Pongso no Tao (蘭嶼)是達悟族世代居住的島嶼,島上共有六個部落,分別為紅頭、漁人、野銀、東清、朗島與椰油部落,擁有豐富的海洋文化以及世外桃源般的景色。在演繹蘭嶼故事的國片「只有大海知道」中飾演與本人一樣擔負隔代教養重責的堅毅阿嬤,感動了許多觀眾的素人演員李鳳英,偕同同為椰油部落長者且擅長傳統雕刻製作拼板舟及掘芋禮杖的顏督軍遠道而來,二位長者在人之島出生成長, 從小聽父母及各村耆老傳頌達悟族的傳統故事與歌謠,今晚將呈現的是古調中的三首情歌,在保守的蘭嶼難得有機會聽到這些情歌,就讓我們來體驗一下人之島浪漫的一面,歌曲大意如下:


女: 他為我做的禮杖壞了, 我心裡好不捨、好難過,不知他會不會生氣?
男: 我那麼疼愛妳,怎麼會生你的氣!?壞了沒關係,我會再做給你


女: 我來到地瓜園不是為了巡視或工作,而是為了等待他的到來,盼望他能來與我聊天說話


男: 芋頭田整理好了,希望我的勤勞能獲得女孩的芳心,希望有女孩會因此願意嫁給我。我這麼努力勤勞,為何沒有女孩要嫁給我?她們也沒有比我好啊



Romance on Pongso no Tao                           

Pongso no Tao (later renamed as Orchid Island by the government) is an island southeast of Taiwan where the Tao people have resided for generations as long as anyone could remember. On the island, there are six tribes which are Jimowrod, Jiratey, Jivalino, Jiranmeylek, Jiraraley, and Jiyayo. It’s rich in oceanic culture and a beautiful, secluded retreat. Performing tonight is layman actress, Feng-Ying Lee, acting as a grandmotherwho raises her grandson alone in the movie, Long Time No Sea, which tells a moving story about the people on Pongso no Tao. In fact, she is the prototype of this character in the movie. Accompanying her is a traditional sculptor, Du-Ching Yen, who makes model as well as real tatala (traditional boat used by Tao people) and ceremonial staff for digging taro.They were both born and raised in Jiyayo tribe ofPongso no Tao. They have listened to stories told and traditional ballads chanted by the elders since they were young. Tonight, they will perform for us three love songs from a collection of traditional Tao ballads. It’s a rare opportunity to hear these love songs in public since Tao people are quite shy and conservative.Let’s enjoy the romantic side ofPongso no Tao. Here’s a general idea of what the lyrics of these songs mean:

Tao love song 1

Woman: The ceremonial staff that he made for me is broken. That makes me feel bad and sad. Will he be mad at me?
Man: I adore you so. How can I ever be mad at you!? It’s ok. I shall make another one for you.

Tao love song 2

Woman: I’m here at the sweet potato field. I did not come to inspect or work on the field, but to wait for him. I long for him and hopethat he would come and chat with me.

Tao love song 3

Man: I have worked hard on the taro field. I wish the girls in the tribe will see and be fascinatedwith my diligence so that one would marry me. Why is there no girl who is willing to marry me? They are no better than me.

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